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Mask is the leader of the Cyan Team and a member of the S4. He first appeared in Volume 1 and is a recurring character in the Splatoon manga.


Mask usually has a distinctively tired appearance due to his droopy eyelids, hunched back, and strained hands. Like a typical Inkling, he has pointed ears, and is assumed to have sharp teeth (though his face hasn’t been revealed). His ink and eye color is cyan to match his team's motif, but he can change color at will. He has the Topknot hairstyle and Classic Shorts. He wears a Gas Mask, Purple Camo LS, and Green Rain Boots. His appearance ever so slightly changes when the manga transitions into the Splatoon 2 era, now wearing the Drawstring Cargo Pants instead of the Classic Shorts.


Mask claims to despise happy, positive people, making him somewhat nihilistic. Said fact explains his distaste for Aloha and Blue Team, especially Bobble Hat. Even after their match, he considers them an "enemy." He likes tricky tactics both on and off the field, luring Blue into an ambush with an anonymous text message and laying sub weapons during the match. Throughout it, he has a threatening and hostile demeanour, though Blue team were largely unaffected.

Despite his unfriendly manners, he admits to genuinely enjoying himself when he fights alongside the Cyan team. He also tends to be a 'straight man,' most notably seen in the same Grizzco Shift when his co-workers, Emperor, Gloves, and Goggles, didn't know what to do.


  • "It's people like you, who are so happy with their lives.... that I absolutely despiiiiise!"
  • "I'm going to wipe those smiles right off your faaaceees."
  • "You should've been watching your baaaaack!"
  • "Beaten by such haaappy people..."
  • "Team Blue. The last member of the S4 is even better than me... be careful..."
  • "I'm Maaask..., from the S4"
  • "Hyuk."
  • "I've got nothing but worries!"
  • "I can buy my game with this...!! Hyuuuuuk."
  • "This stinks, you're ALL beginners"- During the Salmon run shift in Chapter 23
  • “NOT AGAIN! This sucks!” - During the Salmon run shift with the S4


  • According to the Inkling Almanac, Mask has hay fever but is fine while wearing his mask.
  • Additionally in the Inkling Almanac, it was specified that he and Gas Mask are not the same person.
  • Unlike Skull, whose mouth has been shown, Mask has never been seen without his gas mask. Additionally, his eyebrows are rarely seen because of his mask.
  • He seems to enjoy video games, as he is seen in The Shoal [the arcade] playing Squid Beatz skillfully, and later comments during Chapter 23's Grizzco shift that he's saving for a game he wants.
  • Mask is the only S4 member who works Salmon Run shifts regularly.
  • He is the only S4 member who doesn’t appear in Vol 8.
  • During the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest, he was on Team Order.





Splatoon 2[]

Inkling Almanac[]

Team Blue GogglesSpecsHeadphonesBobble Hat
Team Yellow-Green RiderStealth GogglesSchool UniformBamboo Hat
Team Orange ArmyForge Octarian JacketB-SailorW-Sailor
Team Pink AlohaDiver (Snorkel)OctoglassesStraw
Team Cyan MaskDesigner HeadphonesFull Moon GlassesJersey
Team Purple SkullAviatorsStitchPaisley
Team Yellow Paintball MaskGas MaskOliveTako
Team Green BackwardsSafari HatBeanieCleats
Team Dark Green Bike HelmetStripeShrimpSkate Helmet
Team Hockey HockeyStriped BeanieVader CapHeadband
Team Gloves GlovesHalf-RimClip-onsStraps
Team Emperor EmperorPrinceSquidkid Jr.N-Pacer
Team Retro Gamer Tennis HeadbandJogging HeadbandSquash HeadbandB-Ball Headband
Team School Cardigan School AsymmetrySchool ShortSchool LongSchool Bun
Team Inkfall InkfallVaderArrowKnit Hat
Team Outcasts Clams FacemaskPiranha FacemaskPunk MaskChoco Facemask
Team Eight Hachi (Eight)Nana (Seven)Afro (Burns)Pony (Ponytail)
Team Costume Lover SquinjaRobePower Armor"Knight"
Team Blueperor GogglesEmperorHeadphonesBobble Hat
Team New Emperor PrinceSquidkid Jr.N-PacerLaceless
X Blood VintageOmegaDouble EggRed-Soled
Team Workers Head Towel Towel Buzz-CutTowel TopknotTowel HipsterTowel Slick
Iromaki Rangers Iromaki RedIromaki GreenIromaki YellowIromaki Purple
Team Glasses SpecsHalf-RimFull Moon GlassesAviatorsSwim Goggles
Guardians FierceJetJustice
Unaffiliated JuniorHivemind
Shadows Shadow Versions
Team Overlord EmperorRiderVintageDouble Egg
Team SRL Coat Circle ShadesTulip ParasolBeekeeper HatOceanic Hard Hat
Team Guardians FierceJetJusticeHivemind
Mixed Team GogglesMitsuamiWrapSudadera
Team Horn Helmet Horn HelmetGlass MushGlass BuzzGlass Wave
Team Triple Sunglasses Triple SunglassesIkan KanBiscuitBeverage
Team Shady ShadyOmbreMarine BorderRice
Team 8 Bit 8 BitLayeredIvoryTag
Team Barreleye BarreleyePolpoBlobmobSquash
Team Ocho Ocho3-StrapSnowMatcha
Team Shellmet ShellmetBowlerCamp HatCamo Mesh
Team Wireglasses WireglassesGabrielStar MaskUrasuka
Splatsville's Willpower Gang GakuranBlack BeltBerserkerGlitch
The Best 8 of Splatsville Mitsuami (Braids)Horn HelmetBarreleyeShellmetShady8 BitOchoWireglasses
Splatsville Hierarchy Shady8 BitOchoWireglasses
Squid Sisters CallieMarie
Off The Hook PearlMarina
Deep Cut ShiverFryeBig Man
Squidbeak Splatoon Agent 1Agent 2Agent 3Agent 3.5New Agent 3Agent 4Agent 4.25Agent 4.5Agent 7Agent 8Cap'n CuttlefishSheldon
Octarian Army DJ OctavioMarinaCallie
Kamabo Corporation Agent 3Agent 3.5Agent 7Agent 8SpecsHeadphonesBobble HatCap'n CuttlefishTartarMC.PrincessDJ_Hyperfresh
Spire of Order Agent 3Agent 8SpecsPearlMarinaAchtOrder
Team Funny Man GogglesBobble HatGlovesHachi
Team Straight Man SpecsHeadphonesPrinceSkull
Chaos GogglesBobble HatRiderAlohaSkullPrinceSquidkid Jr.Iromaki RedFierceJet
Order SpecsHeadphonesArmyMaskGlovesEmperorN-PacerHachiVintageJusticeHivemind