You know it's serious when xe use proper title grammar. So I have seen people getting kinning a character and simping for one mixed up more than I'd like to. So I'm going to explain what they are for you guys.
This is when you really, REALLY like a character. You like them a lot and would do anything for them. The original meaning of 'simp' is NSFW, however the meaning of it has changed over the time. If you were wondering what the original meaning is- Well I can't say it here.
Kinning is when you relate to a character, in basic terms. However, it goes deeper than that. You feel as though you have a connection TO the character, as in, you feel as though YOU ARE the character. Characters you kin don't have to be your favorites, they simply have a connection to you and ARE you, per se. There are certain types of kinning, such as factkin (kinning a real person which is uh, eh), otherkin (where you feel as though you are an animal), fictionkin (kinning a fictional character) and sub categories of all.
NOTE: NylonVintage in the comment section pointed this out, so I'll quote it here. "please dont confuse kinning with DAs though, you can kin for fun or for jokes or non seriously just as a kind of "i relate to this character" but DAs are "i truly genuinely believe and know i am this character"" DAS (or delusional attachments) are explained here:
Simping and kinning ARE NOT THE SAME. They have similarities as in they both relate to characters, but they ARE NOT the same, I must stress this.
I hope you found this informative and if I made stupid mistakes tell me in the comments.
Stay fresh!